Attain Your Highest Potential/Capailah Keupayaan Tertinggi Anda

Even if you choose to eat to your heart's content, like most of us do,
you can still care for your 'one and only BODY' by consuming DXN health products...
DO not DELAY as your body might give up on you at anytime because of your constant ABUSE...

The opportunity to earn the income that you truly desire is offered by DXN.
Why not take up the offer now???

How Your Gut Bacteria Can Influence Your Weight

21 March, 2019


There are likely more bacterial cells in your body than human cells. Your body contains trillions of bacteria. It is estimated that in a 154-pound (70-kg) man, there are around 40 trillion bacterial cells and only 30 trillion human cells (3).

Most of these bacteria live in a part of your large intestine called the cecum. There are hundreds of different types of bacteria in your intestines. While some may cause disease, most of them carry out essential tasks to keep you healthy (4).

For example, your gut bacteria produce certain vitamins, including vitamin K, and communicate with your immune system to help your body fight off infection (5, 6). Your gut bacteria can affect how different foods are digested and produce chemicals that help make you feel full. As a result, they can affect your weight.

A number of studies have shown that people with high fiber intake have a lower weight, which may be due to the role that gut bacteria play in digesting fiber (13, 14, 15).

A recent study found that the ratio of two types of bacteria in your intestines may determine how much weight you lose when given a particular diet. These two bacteria are Prevotella, which digests fiber and carbohydrates, and Bacteroidetes, which people who eat more animal protein and fat have more of (16). In this study, 62 people were given a high-fiber, whole grain diet for 26 weeks. Those who had more Prevotella in their intestines lost 5.1 pounds (2.3 kg) more body fat than those with more Bacteroidetes in their intestines (17).

A diet containing too much fat, sugar or calories can lead to elevated inflammatory chemicals in the bloodstream and fat tissue, which may contribute to weight gain (20, 21). Your gut bacteria play an important role in inflammation. A study in 292 people found that those who were overweight had lower gut bacteria diversity and higher levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker in the blood (23). However, some species of intestinal bacteria may reduce inflammation and prevent weight gain.

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Gut Bacteria

Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fermented foods all support healthy gut bacteria, while too many sugary foods, artificial sweeteners and unhealthy fats can be bad for your gut bacteria.

(Source: Adapted from:

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

20 March, 2019


I have been reading about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) lately. I would like to share with you the info I gathered.

According to a study published in Molecular Psychiatry (Brimberg, L. et al, 2013), one in 10 women who have a child with autism have immune molecules (antibodies) in their bloodstream that react with protein in the brain. Researchers say these anti brain antibodies do not harm the brains of the mothers who produce them because of the blood brain barriers, a filter that prevents most molecules from entering the brain.

But the immature or blood brain of a developing fetus may let the maternal auto antibodies pass through the placenta, allowing them to damage the fetal brain and perhaps cause autism.

Women who have autism linked antibodies are more likely to have other markers of autoimmune diseases, esp. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, asthma, Type I diabetes. A 2009 Danish study that examined autoimmune disorders in more than 600,000 children born between 1993 and 2004, concluded that the risk of autism more than doubles for children who have a mother with RA or Celiac disease.
How would you deal with Autoimmune Diseases?
#ganoderma lucidum
#lion mane

Why should you Consume fibre daily?

19 March, 2019


1. Keeps you full longer - so great for weight loss
2. Nurtures beneficial gut bacteria, thus reducing the risk of digestive organ related cancers e.g Colon cancer
3. Slows down absorption of sugar consumed in food, so risk of diabetes can be reduced
4. Helps with elimination of waste, keeping your second brain (gut) healthy and functioning at its optimal levels
5. Cut down the risk of contracting deadly diseases -heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, other obesity related health issues

(Source: Time magazine, 2019)

How much fibre a day, u may ask?
Women - 25g a day
Men-38 g a day
According to dietary guidelines for Americans

Where do I get the fibre?
From vegetables, beans, legumes, whole fruit, whole grains. However, Make sure they are free from herbicides, pesticides, any form of toxins, and not genetically modified (GMO)

What do I consume?

Other than fruits, wholegrain food and vegetables, my favourite fibre rich food is my DXN Mycoveggie

It is a mixture of vegetables, fruit, a range of mushrooms, herbs and spices.. Zero calorie, cholesterol free, sugar free.

Easy to consume. Very versatile and delicious too. Add warm water, yogurt, and 1 scoop of Mycoveggie and honey if u like.. Even spirulina cereal..
Can add Chia seed, nuts etc.. whatever u feel like..

You can even sprinkle Mycoveggie on soups, salad, smoothie, juices, and on your bread spreads as well. Why don't u try it?

Do share the post with as people as u like if u found it useful

For more info, Pm or whatsapp me Dr Puven, Weight management consultant and Ganotherapist, on

Best wishes for a healthy life

Want to know about a Great STRESS BUSTER and SLEEP INDUCER?

20 March, 2015

A must watch video clip for all who experience daily stress in their lives and have sleepless nights. Without a good night's sleep and with high stress levels, your health, performance and quality of life will be badly affected. Do not let this happen to you....Listen to the solutions provided in this clip.

To purchase Androgy, you have several options:
1. Join now for a free membership at my  DXN website ( Fill in the online application form. Will take only about 5-10 minutes.

Upon submitting the form, you will be given your own DXN ID immediately. Print a copy and keep it.

Using your own DXN ID, purchase the product from any DXN branch office or stockists in your country (see list of contact details at international branches)

Remember to contact  the DXN branch office in your country to activate your own DXN ID in their system first. This will enable you  to use your  DXN ID to buy the products at wholesale/distributor price.
Ensure the cash invoice is  in your DXN ID and name.  

2). Feel free to Use my DXN ID (011311655) to make your purchases. You should receive a cash invoice under my name. Contact me ( if you had chosen this option to purchase your product so that I can help you with any queries you might have. 

Feel  free to email me ( or drop me a comment in my website (under Contact). Best wishes

Inexpensive Online Membership to Stay Healthy and Start your Business

05 November, 2014

AN EASY and INEXPENSIVE WAY to  STAY Healthy and start your DXN Multi-Level Marketing/Network Marketing business right now with our FREE ONLINE  membership registration. Visit

Signing up for membership is also good for those of you who just want to start consuming or using our huge range of products- health supplements, beverages, skin care and personal care.

Why pay retail price when you can buy them at wholesale/distributor prices?

New Members Promotion: DXN Australia 

Use sponsor ID:011311655 (Puvenesvary Muthiah) when filling in the online membership form, and make your purchases.

Products will be delivered by the Sydney DXN office  to your nominated address anywhere in Australia and NZ.

New Members (in Australia and New Zealand only):
(Promotion ends 31st Dec. 2014).

 Sign up with: Health/Family Kit = Voucher AU$15
 Basic Starter Kit = Voucher AU$5

These vouchers can then be redeemed for DXN products  within three months from the  join date in one invoice.

The person who introduces 3 New Members with at least 50PPV (personal point value) each in the joining month, in their group’s front line (1st level), will be rewarded with  a AU$20 Voucher and a Box of DXN Coffee Sampler, containing 32 sachets of 8 DXN Coffee beverages.

Membership Benefits 
1. For your well-being and others you care about, you NOW have the opportunity  to purchase and use a range of high quality (natural and mostly preservative free) food supplements, beverages and personal care products at wholesale prices (15 to 25% lower than retail prices) which can enhance  your body's ability to  to HEAL ITSELF.

2. You are Able to EARN income as you USE  and SHARE  the benefits of the products with others anywhere in the world- Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Latin America, Africa- see (international branches). 

When Everyone you know uses them as well,  your business grows ... WIth YOUR ONE DXN  ID and you have become  an International Business Owner!!

3. Earn your targeted income (the amount is determined by you! Limitless...) by shopping in your OWN DXN store (now in 160 countries) instead of other outlets where you are not sufficiently rewarded.

4. You can choose to do the business either full-time or part-time (even 1-2 hours a day if that is all you can spare). Suits housewives, students, those looking for additional income, any level of education, professionals and non-professionals. 

The business opportunity is Open to anyone who desires  to achieve his/her life's goals and make it happen with determination,  ongoing commitment, effort, discipline and eagerness to learn from others....

5. Ongoing free training (DXN  service centres/ branch offices/stockists venues) and free online training are provided with lots of resources, both online and offline.

6. There are no risks at all, and you’ll gain  immense benefits in health, wealth, well-being, international friendships, personal growth and travels. All with a very small capital. Here is your chance!!


1. TAKE ACTION NOW, click and register online as new MLM member. Use the Mozilla Fox browser. Use tab key to move from one section to another if the enter key doesn't work well...

2. Fill in all the sections with * 

3. For sponsor ID, please use any one of these and click check for the name

011306930- AnandaKitha
011311663- Kalaiselvi
011311655- Puvenesvary
011312595 Neelavathy
105020918 Mary Hoth

4.For the secret questions, use a name that you can remember easily.

5. Once you have completed and submitted the form online, you’ll immediately receive your special  DXN ID in  a welcoming letter. Print and keep a copy.

6. You need to Register/activate  your new DXN online  member ID at your nearest DXN  branch office anywhere in the world (check the  website for locations in different countries).  Then ring the office or visit them, give them your DXN ID for  activation in their system.

7. Once your DXN ID is in the system of the DXN country where you wish to make the purchases, you can start buying the products  at wholesale price using your ID.  You will be earning points (known as e-wallet) for all your purchases. Ensure that all cash invoices are made in your DXN ID and name.

8. You can redeem the points (pv) once you have purchased your DXN starter kit and earn bonuses when you meet the minimum requirement for monthly bonus payments

9. You can  attend  weekly or monthly DXN trainings for FREE.

Using  your DXN ID, you can start inviting your friends, family, etc and sponsoring them in your team. and GROW your international business
Register them as online members under your  DXN  ID  to enable them to experience the benefits you are enjoying.

If you have any queries, kindly email me, on, text me on +61432976703; facebook and  skype contact: drpuven. 

Once you have registered, kindly email me your DXN ID and contact details so that I can keep in touch with you if you need any help with product knowledge, etc. and  update you on events, etc.

Have a great day! Join the DXN family of ONE WORLD ONE MARKET promoting health, wealth and happiness. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes...

Liver health and coffee consumption

29 October, 2014


 Both regular and decaf coffee were shown to Lower Liver Enzymes in
 study participants who drank at least three cups per day (Medical News Today).

(Adapted from Source:

According to a 2010 report from the National Coffee Association, more than 50%
of all Americans over age 18 drink around three cups each day.

What is more, the International Coffee Association says coffee consumption has increased 1% each year since the 1980s, and in recent years, this figure has jumped to 2%. The statistics are as follows:

            Americans drink an average of 3.1 cups of coffee a day,
            65% of American coffee drinkers drink the beverage with breakfast
            The US spends a total of $40 billion on coffee each year.

Drinking coffee has been linked to reduced risks for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Research led by Dr. Qian Xiao from the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, MD (see Hepatology journal) revealed that participants who drank three or more cups of coffee per day had lower levels of all four liver enzymes, compared with those who did not drink any coffee. 

The researchers measured blood levels of liver function markers to assess liver health - including aminotransferase (ALT), aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transaminase (GGT).  The team found these same results in participants who only drank decaf coffee.

"Our findings link total and decaffeinated coffee intake to lower liver enzyme levels," says Dr. Xiao. "These data suggest that ingredients in coffee, other than caffeine, may promote liver health. Further studies are needed to identify these components."

So, start drinking coffee if you are not doing so, and increase your intake if you are already drinking coffee... 

ORDER  your DXN Healthy, Affordable,  Alkaline  COFFEE range NOW. 
Promote/sell them to others, and with the pv (point value) or cash earned,  get yours for FREE...

Newcomers to DXN can buy your products at 

wholesale or distributor prices when your sign up 

for a DXN membership (see for online 

registration and visit the branches/stockists  closest to you)

If you are from Australia or New Zealand,  visit  and sign up for a 

membership. There is a promotion for new 

members now. Don't miss it.

Kindly use the following  DXN ID  as your sponsor,  011311655- Puvenesvary Muthiah if you signing up as a member. Remember to email me your contact details  when you have done so, so that  I can support you with resources, etc.

Enjoy our wide collection of Healthy Affordable Alkaline LINGZHI (GANODERMA)  and 

CORDYCEP  COFFEE, and stay HEALTHY.   Any queries, text me Dr. Puven 

(+61432976703), Skype and facebook contact: drpuven  or email me on  Best wishes...