19 March, 2019

Why should you Consume fibre daily?

1. Keeps you full longer - so great for weight loss
2. Nurtures beneficial gut bacteria, thus reducing the risk of digestive organ related cancers e.g Colon cancer
3. Slows down absorption of sugar consumed in food, so risk of diabetes can be reduced
4. Helps with elimination of waste, keeping your second brain (gut) healthy and functioning at its optimal levels
5. Cut down the risk of contracting deadly diseases -heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, other obesity related health issues

(Source: Time magazine, 2019)

How much fibre a day, u may ask?
Women - 25g a day
Men-38 g a day
According to dietary guidelines for Americans

Where do I get the fibre?
From vegetables, beans, legumes, whole fruit, whole grains. However, Make sure they are free from herbicides, pesticides, any form of toxins, and not genetically modified (GMO)

What do I consume?

Other than fruits, wholegrain food and vegetables, my favourite fibre rich food is my DXN Mycoveggie

It is a mixture of vegetables, fruit, a range of mushrooms, herbs and spices.. Zero calorie, cholesterol free, sugar free.

Easy to consume. Very versatile and delicious too. Add warm water, yogurt, and 1 scoop of Mycoveggie and honey if u like.. Even spirulina cereal..
Can add Chia seed, nuts etc.. whatever u feel like..

You can even sprinkle Mycoveggie on soups, salad, smoothie, juices, and on your bread spreads as well. Why don't u try it?

Do share the post with as people as u like if u found it useful

For more info, Pm or whatsapp me Dr Puven, Weight management consultant and Ganotherapist, on

Best wishes for a healthy life

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