Attain Your Highest Potential/Capailah Keupayaan Tertinggi Anda

Even if you choose to eat to your heart's content, like most of us do,
you can still care for your 'one and only BODY' by consuming DXN health products...
DO not DELAY as your body might give up on you at anytime because of your constant ABUSE...

The opportunity to earn the income that you truly desire is offered by DXN.
Why not take up the offer now???

Want to know more about MLM?

28 October, 2010

Dear Friends,

I always believe that in order to excel in anything, we need to learn from the best in the world. With that view in mind, I'd like to share with you this fantastic clarification about the doubts people might have about MLM that is presented by Tim Sales. Have Fun!

Earn Extra Substantial Monthly Income- Consume, Introduce, Reap Rewards

17 October, 2010

It is quite common nowadays for everyone of us  to look for opportunities to earn extra income.  It doesn't matter if you are already wealthy or not as none of us know what the future holds for us. So, it's always better to have extra cash for times of emergencies and also to lead the kind of life you've been dreaming of.

If you care about your health, and do not mind putting aside a certain amount of money on a monthly basis  investing in health supplements for you and your family, and selling this idea to two  others, every month,  in return for good financial rewards, then kindly visit my blogspot- or website-, I'll reveal the secret to you...

Australia's health 2010 Report - Cancer cases projection


Dear Friends,

I extracted this from Australia's health 2010 which  is the 12th biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is  the nation's premier source of statistics and informed commentary on matters such as determinants of health and keys to prevention, disease and injury. The extract I have  chosen to share with you today in about cancer cases. Enjoy reading and take whatever action is needed to keep yourselves healthy and disease free. 

Cancer cases projection: Australia institute

Cancer is Australia’s leading broad cause of disease burden (19% of the
total), followed by cardiovascular disease (16%) and mental disorders (13%).

Cancer is a diverse group of diseases in which some of the body’s cells become defective and multiply out of control. They can invade and damage the tissue around them, and can also spread (metastasise) to other parts of the body to cause further damage.

Overall, cancer is projected to remain the leading cause of the burden of disease and injury in Australia in 2010. The overall cancer incidence rate was higher among males than females. The imbalance was greatest for cancer of the larynx, where the rate for males was 12 times as high as the female rate. This excess rate is probably due to higher male rates of smoking and alcohol consumption in the previous two to three decades.

For more details, kindly visit my website: Also read my other blog posts on cancer and ganoderma. 

Health and Ganoderma - Series 2

13 October, 2010

Dear Friends,

I've found another very informative scientific article about the health benefits of ganoderma. Enhance your knowledge and do pass on my blog address and website address to others who might be interested in reading it. Best Wishes-

Title of ArticleGanoderma lucidum: A Potent Pharmacological Macrofungus by  Bhagwan S. Sanodiyaa, Gulab S. Thakura, Rakesh K. Baghela, G.B.K.S. Prasad and P.S. Bisena.

Research and Development Centre, Bisen Biotech and Biopharma Pvt. Ltd., Biotech Research Park, M-7, Laxmipuram, Transport Nagar, Gwalior-474010 (M.P.) India; School of Studies in Biotechnology, Jiwaji University, Gwalior- 474011 (M.P.) India

Source of publication: Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, 10, 717-742 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

In the 2009 article, the researchers claim that   great deal of work has been carried out on therapeutic potential of Ganoderma lucidum. They state  that the basidiocarp, mycelia and spores of Ganoderma lucidum contain approximately 400 different bioactive compounds, which mainly include triterpenoids, polysaccharides,nucleotides, sterols, steroids, fatty acids, proteins/peptides and trace elements which has been reported to have a number of pharmacological effects including :
  •  immuno-modulating,
  • anti-atherosclerotic, 
  • anti-inflammatory, 
  • analgesic, 
  • chemopreventive,
  • anti-tumor, radio-protective,
  • sleep-promoting,
  • anti-bacterial, anti-viral (including anti-HIV), 
  • hypo-lipidemic,
  • anti-fibrotic, 
  • hepato-protective, 
  • anti-diabetic, 
  • antioxidative
  • radical-scavenging, 
  • anti-aging, 
  • hypoglycemic 
  • antiulcer properties 
The article also mentions  that Ganoderma/ Reishi has now become recognized as an alternative adjuvant in the treatment of leukemia, carcinoma, hepatitis and diabetes. The researchers point out that since the last decade,  clinical trials on the use of Ganoderma lucidum preparations to treat the cancer and other diseases have been reported in international peer-reviewed journals.

A very informative summary table  of the therapeutic effects and bioactive compounds of G. lucidum reported in the literature till 2009 has  been presented in the article.

To read the entire article, go to:

DXN Indonesia: Dr Puven interviews GM, DXN Indonesia, Mr Bangun Simbolon

08 October, 2010

Dear friends,

How have you been? In July 2010, when I was in Indonesia with my husband, Geoff Favaloro, to conduct trainings for entrepreneurs of  DXN in Medan, Jakarta and Surabaya, I had the opportunity to interview the General Manager  of  DXN Indonesia, Mr Bangun Simbolon.

                                            Dr.Puven interviewing Mr Bangun

                                    Dr Puven & Geoff at DXN Surabaya

In the inverview, Mr Bangun explains the growth of DXN Indonesia and the unique contribution of DXN to the global community in terms of ganotherapy, health, and global peace.

Enjoy listening to the lively informative interview session. If you have any queries about the business opportunities and health supplements of DXN, kindly contact me, To obtain more information on business opportunities and health tips, visit  my website,

To listen to the interview, go to:

Perkembangan DXN- Temuduga dgn GM DXN Indonesia; Tips kesihatan-Dr Ranjan

Rakan-rakan yang saya hormati,

Apa khabar semua? Sihat dan gembira?

Untuk pengetahuan anda semua, pada bulan Julai yang lalu, ketika saya dan suami saya pergi ke Indonesia untuk menjalankan bengkel/ ‘training’ untuk  usahawan-usahawan (mitra) DXN (multi-level marketing company), saya berpeluang  menemuduga  GM DXN Indonesia, Bapak Bangun Simbolon yang berada di Medan ketika itu.

                                    Dr. Puven menemuduga GM DXN Indonesia, Bapak Bangun Simbolon

Dalam temuduga itu Bapak Bangun menceritakan  tentang  perkembangan pesat DXN di Indonesia dan terusnya manfaat yang diperolehi oleh masyarakat Indonesia dan juga masyarakat global dari segi peluang bisnes  maupun produk kesihatan (health supplements) yang disediakan oleh DXN.

Kalau ada sebarang pertanyaan tentang peluang bisnes atau produk kesihatan DXN,  sila kemukan kepada saya, Saya akan menjawabnya secepat mungkin.

Kalau anda boleh baca dan memahami Bahasa Inggeris, sila juga ke laman web saya, Di sana saya sertakan  artikel dalam Bahasa Inggeris oleh pakar jantung terkenal di India, Dr Ranjan, yang saya temui di Chennai pada bulan September 2009.

                                           Dr. Puven bersama Dr. Ranjan di Adayar, India

Dr. Ranjan  menceritakan dengan terperinci manfaat ganoderma/reishi kepada kesihatan kita terutamanya dalam pencegahan sakit/serangan jantung, pengimbangan tekanan darah, pengurangan kadar kolesterol, ‘triglyceride’ dan gula dalam darah.

Dr. Ranjan juga memberitahu bahawa kulat reishi/ganoderma ini mempunyai ciri-ciri anti-penuaan, anti-virus, dan anti-bakteria. Beliau menyatakan bahawa ganoderma dapat membantu ginjal dan hati (kidney and liver) untuk membuang toksin.

Mengikut Dr. Ranjan, ganoderma juga dapat membantu mereka yang mempunyai masalah ‘allergy’/ala (melibatkan kulit, hidung, paru-paru) dan dapat mengurangkan kesan sampingan yang dialami oleh pesakit kanker (cancer) ketika menjalani terapi ‘chemo and radiation’ . 

Dr Ranjan juga menyatakan bahawa ganoderma dapat merelaksasikan otak kita  serta dapat mengurangkan stress lalu membantu kita tidur. Mengikut beliau, ganoderma juga dapat membantu proses penghadaman (digestion), dan kulat ini juga berfungsi sebagai  bahan penahan sakit (pain-killer) yang selamat dan natural. 

Dr. Ranjan juga memberitahu bahawa ganoderma juga dapat mengimbangkan kadar hormone (hormonal levels), dan terus membantu dalam masalah ‘infertility’ (penyuburan- tidak dapat melahirkan anak) 

Health and Ganoderma - View of a Cardiologist

01 October, 2010


Dear friends,

How are u today?  I'd like to share the knowledge I gained from reading an article of Dr Ranjan, a well-known cardiologist in India, about the health benefits of ganoderma/reishi. It's indeed informative. It will be very useful for all of us.

I met Dr. Ranjan at his clinic in Chennai, in September 2009, when I first visited India to learn from the medical doctors who are recommending  ganoderma/reishi  to  their patients.

I'm providing you the summary of the article I read..

                       Dr. Puven at Dr. Ranjan's  clinic in Adayar, Chennai. 

Health benefits of Ganoderma

Reishi  is a powerful anti-oxidant  that can be used to prevent diseases like Heart attack, Arthritis, Cancer  etc. It has anti-aging and also anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which can protect children from infections. Reishi  helps the kidneys and liver to eliminate toxins. It helps to maintain normal BP, reduces blood sugar levels, cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the blood. It gives excellent relief in various allergic disorders (skin, nasal, bronchial allergies). It can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer treatment, and improve the quality of life of cancer patients. It is beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory brain diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinsonism and degenerative diseases of the brain. Reishi also is a natural safe pain killer, has a calming effect on the brain, relieves stress, regularizes sleep function and improves digestion.  It also normalizes various hormonal levels and this helps in infertility.

To know more about  the health benefits of  reishi/ganoderma, read the content of the article in