Morinda Citrifolia (noni juice) is rich in more than two hundred natural enzymes. Traditionally, Morinda Citrifolia has been known as "Pain killer tree" and "Headache tree". Morinzhi works to correct problems with the structure of cells and saves our body by supplying us the nutrients we need. It is invaluable as a "Healing Herb".
The Noni juice (Morinzhi) produced by DXN is freshly squeezed Noni juice, enriched with 100% pure and natural Roselle extract. The active ingredients in Noni are Antioxidants, Phyto-nutrients, Enzymes, Vitamins (especially Vitamin C), Minerals and Fibre.
The noni contains antibacterial compounds in the fruits (acubin, L-asperuloside and alizarin) and roots (anthrauinones). Noni contains scopoletin which inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli, which is responsible for intestinal infections, and Heliobacter pylori, which causes ulcers.
(Also read the book: Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer By Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D.)
This information below about the benefits of noni juice is extracted from an article in the internet by Dr. Harrison who received her medical training at the University of Maryland, Harvard University and the Boston University Medical Centers. She is the former assistant dean of the Boston University School of Medicine and former chief medical officer at the Washington, D.C. General Hospital. She currently specializes in pediatrics and family medicine.Benefits of Noni juice
Noni juice has a black colour, very similar to the melanin that gives colour or pigment to each one of our organs. Every place our body contains this pigment will be affected by Noni juice.
The back of the eye has a black area called the macula which is pigmented with melanin. That is the area the light hits when your eye opens. Many people have difficulty with blindness because they no longer make that beautiful colour in that spot. We have noted the Noni juice makes the macula generate more pigment and the cells begin to return to normal, and the blindness reverses itself.
In the brain, that black stain is found in an area of the mid-brain called thesubstantia nigra, nigra standing for black. Diseases related to that area occur when it no longer receives pigment and begins to deteriorate. Diseases in this category are multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Appropriate function of the pineal gland is important in restoring those cells, and we are seeing patients reversing some of their neurological problems because the Noni juice is stimulating the production of chemicals essential to those areas of the brain.
The pancreas is also affected by Noni juice: the blood sugar and blood pressure begin to normalize. The pineal gland affects the different organs all the way down to the first glands, the male and female sex organs, and people are noticing for example that their prostate glandsare beginning to shrink down to normal size once they have been on the Noni juice for a short period of time.
Women who have problems with their uterus or with fibroids etc. are noticing that the fibroids are beginning to disappear, that their menstruation is beginning to normalize, they have less cramps and their bleeding problems become more in balance.
To Buy a bottle or a box of the noni juice (Morinzhi) of DXN which also contains Roselle extract, visit the nearest DXN stockist or service centre in your city/country or place an order via phone. You can use my DXN ID (011311655- Puvenesvary Muthiah) to get a discount until you decide to also enjoy the other monetary benefits that comes by getting your own DXN ID when you sign up as a member. If you are in Australia, or New Zealand, you can order your products online (www.dxnaus.com.au). If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me (lifecoach@drpuven.com). Best wishes.
I got experienced the burnt tissues can successfully replace by new tissues very soon.By taking orally.
I was told by my friend that Consuming Morinzhi can helps you gain weight if anyone is having underweight problem, does it really helps in gaining you weight??.. how much time one can expect if having on regular basis.
i am 25 years old boy, i am not married but i have night fall problem , please give good suggestion.
My mother is 62 years old, she have pain in her Knee since last 15 years.
I need to know which of the DXN product give her relief . what should be taken to cure her pain for lifetime.
May be she is suffering from arthritis.
Thank you very much Dr puven for your valuable information about Dxn Morinzhi juice to share us by all these information as a consumers & member of Dxn.
thank you for your consideration & assistance.
Mohamed Barlaman
Dxn South Sudan
Shiraz, try consuming morinzhi and spirulina. It has been effective for both weight loss and weight gain as it assist in attaining ideal weight. Take spirulina 12 tablets (4 tablets 3 x a day) or 2 capsules 3 x a day. Morinzhi- 1 tablespoon 2 x a day with a little water. If you don't have a DXN ID yet, feel free to use mine- 011311655. Best wishes
For knee and joint pains, my clients and I have found morinzhi juice and cordypine very effective. take 30 ml of each 2 x a day with some water. Even taking them once a day helps with the inflammation and pain. Give it a go! Also combine with RG and GL at least 2-3 capsules a day. It has worked for others and it may work for you too. Best wishes
My father is suffering from benign hyperplasia (prostrate enlargement) and is taking morzhini since 2 weeks ..how long he must take for a better result and the dosage too...
You are absolutely right it is a very beneficial drink. Noni juice is regarded as a miracle juice for those who have seen the many health benefits it can provide. This juice is harvested from the Morinda citrifolia plant, traditionally called the Noni Fruit, in the chemically free and organic farms of Samoa. Thanks for sharing us this nice information.
Goji berry juice
Very nice article. I recommand it to my friends,I,ll be back here again and again visit here
good articles
Vestige Products Noni Capsules
There are number of health benefits of consuming Noni Juice. Noni Juice is useful in cough, malarial fever, fever, painful urination, nausea, convulsions, constipation, colic, liver disease and several more diseases.
Learn more about the Benefits of Noni Juice
i started morinzhi juice since three days i have burning problum in my stomich.how long i will continu this.ASGHAR
I appreciate your information that you shared in this blog.
Herbal Treatments
Ever since I came to know about the importance of Noni, I have started drinking a glass of Tahitian Noni Juice every day without fail. Now, I feel much better than before.
Use dxn products tea spirulina rg+bl+noni so join dxn2u.com sponsore id 099823419 hitesh mohan contact-91 9211989558 promoted by karishmango@gmail.com
Such a nice and very good benefits i just start to drink for two days.morinzhi juice.so thats why i have a rigth chose to join the dxn is the best.
Hi There ! One of friends is suffering from scoliosis. She just diagnosed with this disease . She is around 38 . Kindly advise what dxn products may be helpful . Thanks in advance ! Anwar H. , Mumbai
see dxn2u.com products on you tube also shakuntaladxn@gmail.com
It has been 14 months ever since I am taking Pure Noni Juice. I didn't fall sick for even a day. My immune system has become stronger than ever. Thanks to Noni fruit!
From where u get noni juice. Join dxnindia.in/dxn2u.com whats app group "health wealth happiness"9810866017
Hello I am Quratulain 30 years old having large subserous fabroid
My physician recommended me this juice along with reishi mushroom for treatment of fabroid.
After it's use of one and a half month i observe severe menstrual flow along with abdominal pain, body ache and fever.
Sometimes it seems to be working and sometimes not.
Can you please guide me approx how much time will it take to work or start its work??
I have acidity problem and I want to loose little weight on the stomach when I eat I feel bloated and break wind.digestive system is not well can this Morinzhi juice help?
I am 25 years old. Since 15 years old I was Musterbation last weak...... my penis size is 4.5 inches and very afraid get married please suggest me what can I do?
Can u pass me your email, pls so that I can reply to your message about the recommended quantities of RG, gl, cordyceps, spirulina and potenzi to you to enhance your sexual ability and increase blood flow
Yes, morinzhi is good as it provides enzymes to help breakdown the food. It would be better to include rg, gl and spirulina as well.. RG and gl for detox, 2 capsules 3x a day, spirulina 6 tablets 2x a day spirulina at least half an hour before meal.. 30 minutes of exercise daily and sufficient sleep. Drink water or eat fruit before your meal instead of during or immediately after meal.. Best wishes
Add spirulina. Reduce rg, gl and increase morinzhi. The healing period depends on your body composition.. Some people might take a longer time whole others shorter.. At least 6 months, I would say.. Best wishes
Can u pass me your email, pls so that I can reply to your message about the recommended quantities of RG, gl, cordyceps, spirulina and potenzi to you to enhance your sexual ability and increase blood flow
Dr.puven pls tell us .....am taking dxn noni during this i read on net that the thre is rich potassium in noni juice which is not good for kidney....is that true pls ....and i suddenly stoped take
Dr.puven pls tell us .....am taking dxn noni during this i read on net that the thre is rich potassium in noni juice which is not good for kidney....is that true pls ....and i suddenly stoped take
I am having insomnia since June and was advised by my neuro to take sleeping pills.I had mild stroke Nov.2016.can you please tell me what products should I take.thank you
Prenez resto GL 'spirulina et surtout lion's man ça va vous aider énormément
Dear friends, whatever the benefits are passible to human body from noni, in the same way there are many azards surely happens, Mainly liver damage which is proven by study on people.How can we be sure of it that it wouldn't affect negatively on our body. So no one knows how safe it is. I think we would rather go for any other credible one which is able to benifit us without side effects.
Is this medicine really cure arthist?and what are the side effects.
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