Achieving Your Goals
31 December, 2010
at 7:28 PM 0 comments1. What do I want to achieve in different aspects of my life, e.g. business, health, finance, relationships, career, etc. Break them down into smaller achievable gaols.
2. What time limit am I giving myself to achieve these goals? Is it a month, 2 months, 6 months, etc. Be reasonable about it, taking into account your specific circumstances. Be specific about your timelines.
3. What strategies do I have to put in place to get what I am determined to achieve?
Break them down into daily or weekly strategies to suit your way of operating.
4. How effective are my strategies?
Monitor them on a weekly basis, amend as you go along if you think they are not really giving the results you expect. Seek advice from your mentors who have succeeded in the path you are following in fulfilling your dreams and mission.
5. How much knowledge and experience do I already have in the areas I'm working on?
If you think lack of experience and knowledge is holding you back in your progress, seek the necessary knowledge and experience you need that will move you forward with more confidence.
Talk to others who have the expertise in the area, attend trainings, seminars, and read as much as you can to gain the knowledge you need. Apply what you have learnt. See if it works for you.
6. Do I have the qualities that is needed to attain my goals?
Some of the essential qualities of successful people are patience, discipline, proactive, determination, results oriented, resilient (nothing stops you, not giving up easily), hard working (willingness put in the energy and time to make it happen), flexible and willing to embrace change.
Apply these in your daily life, and see the changes ...
I wish you all the very best in achieving the goals you have set for yourselves this year. Have a great year!
Research - Benefits of Andrographis Paniculata (Andro-G)
11 December, 2010
at 11:20 PM 15 commentsThe Kalmegh extract and its active constituents, andrographolides were found to have liver protective properties. These compounds helped to increase bile flow and repair chemically induced liver damage.
Scientists have found that andrographis is able to fight infectious bugs such as salmonella, which can cause food poisoning. This is thought to be due to its immune-boosting properties, which help your cells identify and attack any infectious bugs in your bloodstream (Int Immunopharmacol. 2007 Apr;7(4):515-23).
If you are in Australia or NZ, please visit You can sign up for a membership online and place your order at a discounted price. You need to key in my DXN ID 011311655 as your sponsor when the system requests for it.
You can easily purchase a bottle of andro-g at your nearest DXN service centre or stockist in most parts of the world.See Any further queries, contact me at Best wishes for a HEALTHY and WEALTHY life. You can text me on +61432976703 or skype me, drpuven.
Building relationships with others starts with YOU!
04 December, 2010
at 9:10 PM 0 commentsTo shed some light on the subject matter, I'm going to share with you, the words of wisdom of Mr Geoffrey Favaloro, a very experienced psychologist, psychotherapist, Reiki Master and meditation instructor from Melbourne, Australia.
You need to listen to his clip a few times to really grasp his insights on the issue of Empowered Relationships as it might be quite challenging for some of you to find out that YOU are the CREATOR of your Reality. The POWER is with you to build, maintain or end relationships.
Have fun listening to Geoff and practice what he is saying so that your relationships with others can take a new turn from now onwards. Best wishes...
Lose Weight: Eat Breakfast
28 November, 2010
at 6:29 PM 2 commentsLose Weight: Eat Breakfast
Barbara J. Rolls, PhD, the Guthrie Chair in Nutrition at Pennsylvania State University in Pittsburgh and author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan.
Another product is the DXN MycoVeggie which is a high dietary fibre food supplement, mixed from a wide variety of vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and spices. It is sugar-free, cholesterol-free, low in fat and sodium, and contains a huge range of valuable nutrients. You can consume it with milk or curd, or sprinkle it on your cereal with your favourite fruits, yogurt and nuts. Also on your toast.
Noni juice Benefits - Cigarette Smokers
27 November, 2010
at 9:03 PM 6 commentsNoni juice also improves your digestion. It is an effective anti-oxidant, pain reliever and reduces inflammation.
For other benefits of consuming Noni juice (Morinzhi), read another blog post of mine under the topic health.
Start consuming noni juice, the botanical beverage, daily and reap its benefits. You can buy the noni juice (100% natural without preservatives, sugar, artificial colour or flavour)) from any DXN stockist or service centres in 150 countries (see at a reasonable price. To get it at distributor's price for now, you can use my DXN ID (011311655-Puvenesvary Muthiah) until you decide to join as a member to enjoy other bonuses and benefits.
For those in Australia and NZ, you can place the order online at and the product will be delivered to your door. You can choose to order a bottle or a box of six, which works out cheaper. If you have any questions about the product, email me at I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Stay healthy with noni juice (morinzhi) of DXN! Pass the word around so that others can enjoy the health benefits as well.
Click Here to Watch the Video
18 November, 2010
at 3:52 AM 0 commentsTo Buy a bottle or a box of the noni juice (Morinzhi) which also contains Roselle extract, visit the nearest DXN stockist or service centre in your city/country. Visit for the listing.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me, or text me on +61432976703 or skype me, drpuven. Best wishes.
at 3:48 AM 39 comments
Morinda Citrifolia (noni juice) is rich in more than two hundred natural enzymes. Traditionally, Morinda Citrifolia has been known as "Pain killer tree" and "Headache tree". Morinzhi works to correct problems with the structure of cells and saves our body by supplying us the nutrients we need. It is invaluable as a "Healing Herb".
The Noni juice (Morinzhi) produced by DXN is freshly squeezed Noni juice, enriched with 100% pure and natural Roselle extract. The active ingredients in Noni are Antioxidants, Phyto-nutrients, Enzymes, Vitamins (especially Vitamin C), Minerals and Fibre.
The noni contains antibacterial compounds in the fruits (acubin, L-asperuloside and alizarin) and roots (anthrauinones). Noni contains scopoletin which inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli, which is responsible for intestinal infections, and Heliobacter pylori, which causes ulcers.
(Also read the book: Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer By Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D.)
This information below about the benefits of noni juice is extracted from an article in the internet by Dr. Harrison who received her medical training at the University of Maryland, Harvard University and the Boston University Medical Centers. She is the former assistant dean of the Boston University School of Medicine and former chief medical officer at the Washington, D.C. General Hospital. She currently specializes in pediatrics and family medicine.Benefits of Noni juice
Noni juice has a black colour, very similar to the melanin that gives colour or pigment to each one of our organs. Every place our body contains this pigment will be affected by Noni juice.
The back of the eye has a black area called the macula which is pigmented with melanin. That is the area the light hits when your eye opens. Many people have difficulty with blindness because they no longer make that beautiful colour in that spot. We have noted the Noni juice makes the macula generate more pigment and the cells begin to return to normal, and the blindness reverses itself.
In the brain, that black stain is found in an area of the mid-brain called thesubstantia nigra, nigra standing for black. Diseases related to that area occur when it no longer receives pigment and begins to deteriorate. Diseases in this category are multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Appropriate function of the pineal gland is important in restoring those cells, and we are seeing patients reversing some of their neurological problems because the Noni juice is stimulating the production of chemicals essential to those areas of the brain.
The pancreas is also affected by Noni juice: the blood sugar and blood pressure begin to normalize. The pineal gland affects the different organs all the way down to the first glands, the male and female sex organs, and people are noticing for example that their prostate glandsare beginning to shrink down to normal size once they have been on the Noni juice for a short period of time.
Women who have problems with their uterus or with fibroids etc. are noticing that the fibroids are beginning to disappear, that their menstruation is beginning to normalize, they have less cramps and their bleeding problems become more in balance.
Boost your Rate of Success- Free Seminar Tickets
03 November, 2010
at 1:47 PM 0 commentsIt's always important for all of us to get a zap to boost our business from the best trainers in the world. With this motive in mind, I'd like to offer you free tickets for a series of seminars taking place in Australia and New Zealand, this month and in Dec 2010. Please visit my website, to claim your tickets. Your success is my joy. Best wishes.
Want to know more about MLM?
28 October, 2010
at 4:53 AM 0 commentsI always believe that in order to excel in anything, we need to learn from the best in the world. With that view in mind, I'd like to share with you this fantastic clarification about the doubts people might have about MLM that is presented by Tim Sales. Have Fun!
Earn Extra Substantial Monthly Income- Consume, Introduce, Reap Rewards
17 October, 2010
at 11:55 PM 0 commentsIf you care about your health, and do not mind putting aside a certain amount of money on a monthly basis investing in health supplements for you and your family, and selling this idea to two others, every month, in return for good financial rewards, then kindly visit my blogspot- or website-, I'll reveal the secret to you...
Australia's health 2010 Report - Cancer cases projection
at 11:45 PM 0 commentsHealth and Ganoderma - Series 2
13 October, 2010
at 1:35 AM 0 comments- immuno-modulating,
- anti-atherosclerotic,
- anti-inflammatory,
- analgesic,
- chemopreventive,
- anti-tumor, radio-protective,
- sleep-promoting,
- anti-bacterial, anti-viral (including anti-HIV),
- hypo-lipidemic,
- anti-fibrotic,
- hepato-protective,
- anti-diabetic,
- antioxidative
- radical-scavenging,
- anti-aging,
- hypoglycemic
- antiulcer properties
DXN Indonesia: Dr Puven interviews GM, DXN Indonesia, Mr Bangun Simbolon
08 October, 2010
at 5:52 AM 0 commentsPerkembangan DXN- Temuduga dgn GM DXN Indonesia; Tips kesihatan-Dr Ranjan
at 5:34 AM 0 commentsHealth and Ganoderma - View of a Cardiologist
01 October, 2010
at 10:10 PM 1 commentsDr. Puven at Dr. Ranjan's clinic in Adayar, Chennai.
Health benefits of Ganoderma
Reishi is a powerful anti-oxidant that can be used to prevent diseases like Heart attack, Arthritis, Cancer etc. It has anti-aging and also anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which can protect children from infections. Reishi helps the kidneys and liver to eliminate toxins. It helps to maintain normal BP, reduces blood sugar levels, cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the blood. It gives excellent relief in various allergic disorders (skin, nasal, bronchial allergies). It can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer treatment, and improve the quality of life of cancer patients. It is beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory brain diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinsonism and degenerative diseases of the brain. Reishi also is a natural safe pain killer, has a calming effect on the brain, relieves stress, regularizes sleep function and improves digestion. It also normalizes various hormonal levels and this helps in infertility.